Baby care
Baby care. To care for the baby in the first months of life a lot of different means and devices are needed that can make the parent's life easier. To maintain child hygiene and health are used: ● reusable diapers, that have replaced uncomfortable cloth diapers that need to be washed; ● disposers for diapers, reducing the amount of garbage in the house where there is a newborn; ● wet wipes and disposable diapers, convenient for use in abnormal situations (in the clinic, on a walk or at a party) ● pedobarometers and children’s thermometers, allowing to measure the most important vital indicators of the child with an accuracy of a gram and a degree. ● Sun-protective cosmetics, strips and insect repellents to support children's health. ● Humidifiers and air purifiers are state-of-the-art multifunctional devices that help maintain the optimal microclimate in the apartment. All of these devices are absolutely safe to use. They are unexpendable in everyday life and therefore quickly enter the category of basic necessities in those families where a child has recently born.