Explore the mystical world of Eldrador Creatures with the Schleich 42521 Stone Beast Figurine. This intricately crafted figurine brings to life the mythical Stone Beast, a formidable creature from the Eldrador realm, designed for children aged 5 and above. Standing at 12.7 cm tall, this figurine captures the essence of the Stone Beast with its detailed features and captivating design, making it a must-have for both boys and girls who are enthusiasts of fantasy and adventure.
Let your childs imagination soar as they engage in epic battles and epic quests with the Stone Beast figurine. Its durable construction and realistic appearance make it a perfect addition to any Eldrador collection, offering endless hours of imaginative play. Add a touch of magic to playtime and ignite your childs creativity with the Schleich 42521 Stone Beast figurine. Enter a world where fantasy meets reality and embark on thrilling adventures with this enchanting creature by your side.