Sudokr is a hypoallergenic cream from an intertrigo and podguznikovy rash.
Cream protects, calms and recovers gentle children's skin. Thanks to a water-repellent basis, the protective barrier is created. It interferes with contact of the irritating substances (urine, a calla) with skin of the kid.
Sudokr it is possible to use not only under a diaper, but also at other irritations of skin. For example, at solar burns, cuts, grazes.
Are Sudokrem's part:
the hypoallergenic lanolin strengthening the softening action;
the zinc oxide possessing the knitting action and also reducing loss of liquid in fabrics;
benzyl benzoate and benziltsinnamat, having the healing properties;
benzylic alcohol which is mestnoanesteziruyushchy means and relieves the localized pain and irritation.
It is possible to use at each change of a diaper or as required.