Tummy-time mats
Tummy-time mats. Children's tummy-time mat is a universal platform for games, designed for babies from birth to 12 months. The main elements of the design are a small playing field and arcs with toys. At 3 months, the child is already actively learning the world around him. Lying on his back on children’s tummy-time mat, he pulls up his hands and raises his legs, touching ringing and rustling toys by them. In order to properly see the pendants on the arcs and their reflection in a small mirror, the crumb will have to learn how to turn over from the back to the tummy and back, mastering the first simple movements. Bright colors of toys and the sounds made by them prompt them to take action. During the game, the child gets acquainted with the various properties of materials, learns to distinguish between the shapes and colors of objects and compare the sizes of toys. In our Minikid store you can buy educational rugs with toys on arcs, as well as modern models with many moving objects, music and lighting effects.