the tselnoplastikovy cradle is warmed, both outside completely under an external covering, and inside; internal obklad completely acts for washing; the lifting head restraint in a cradle is regulated, 8 provisions; on an internal covering there are 2 pockets; the cradle is established on the chassis in one movement, it is possible to establish in the direction in any party; cap with multifixing (6 provisions) and an additional inclination forward; compartment with a mosquito grid; the unique removable additional peak from the sun, wind and precipitation is fastened on buttons, conveniently: on magnets changeable provisions of a peak are fixed; on a cape folding double vetrovik fastens to a covering on magnets; cradle hood multilayered, will not blow it in the winter, and in the summer it will not be heated inside; the handle for transfer of a cradle is built-in in a cap, a cradle well of an otcentrovan; mattress in a set; in day of a cradle air vents. it is put on the chassis in any direction: facing mother and facing the road; is established on a frame in one movement, it is put below, concerning a cradle; has own cap of the increased size with a peak; three-layer cap: a lining, an external covering and internal heater, at such cap in the summer not hot. and in the winter not cold, it is not blown; in a cap there is a sector with a mosquito grid opening for airing in hot days; in a set a mattress insert on a dense and soft basis, an external covering from cotton knitwear of high density; 5 dot system of seat belts, are regulated on height in 2 provisions on growth of the child; belts with soft shoulder straps for comfort of the child; the footboard is regulated has 3 provisions, extending a berth; berth at the lifted footboard of 93х35 cm; the footboard is covered with the rubberized "carbon fabrics" material, with protection against dirt; the bumper comes unfastened from each party and leans back on the hinge that is convenient to parents to right-handed persons and lefthanders; the safe bumper entirely is removed; the back is completely displayed for a dream, ugl an inclination 170ºв a set a warm cape on legs like "cocoon".