The outer layer of the Climber sleeping bag is a waterproof and windproof material that will work well in winter. It has an effective pattern of shimmering letters. The sleeping bag is filled with warm and pleasant to the touch fleece from the inside. The filling is a layer of polyester insulation that provides adequate insulation. The holes for the 5-point belts make it possible to securely fasten the child. Suitable for deep strollers, strollers and as a sleeping bag for sleds. It has a zipper that allows you to quickly unfasten or completely remove the top layer.
The sleeping bag has dimensions of approx. 95x45 cm.
The most important features:
- 3-layer construction: waterproof material, insulation and fleece interior
- Can be used in deep strollers, strollers and as a sleeping bag for sleds
- The holes for the 5-point belts allow you to securely fasten the child
- The sewn-in zipper allows you to quickly unfasten or completely remove the top layer